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Activists back to Iran from Gaza

Activists back to Iran from Gaza

Iranian activists accompanying Asia's first humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza have returned home after successfully completing their mission.  The Iranian activists arrived in the Iranian capital, Tehran, ...

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Asian aid convoy to arrive in Turkey on Dec. 17

Asian aid convoy to arrive in Turkey on Dec. 17

The first Asian humanitarian aid convoy for Gaza which began its journey from New Delhi, India, earlier this month will enter Turkey from the Doğu Beyazıt Gürbulak border gate in the eastern province of Van on Dec. 17.   A special welcoming ceremony will ...

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Official intervention helps activists enter Pakistan

Official intervention helps activists enter Pakistan

NEW DELHI: The intervention by senior officials of the Ministry of External Affairs ensured that a group of peace activists, seeking to take humanitarian aid to Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip through several countries, entered Pakistan on foot on Sunday. “The MEA relents and allows the Gaza satyagrahis to ...

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Asian aid convoy set to leave for Gaza

Asian aid convoy set to leave for Gaza

Asia's first humanitarian aid convoy has begun its ground journey to the Gaza Strip, trying to break Israel's four-year-long blockade on the coastal enclave.  A group of pro-Palestine activists is ...

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