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Female Rabbi Supports the Global March to Jerusalem

Female Rabbi Supports the Global March to Jerusalem

Rabbi Lynn Gottleib, has served congregations in the United States for 37 years, is one of the first eight women to become a Rabbi in Jewish history, and has been a Palestine solidarity activist for over 40 years. She spoke to PNN about the importance of justice in Palestine and her hopes for the future of the region.

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Popular Committees’ preparations of struggle against occupation, including GMJ

Popular Committees’ preparations of struggle against occupation, including GMJ

The High Follow-Up Popular Resistance Commission during a regular meeting held this afternoon at the Office of mobilization and organization in Ramallah in the presence of the Popular Resistance coordinators from different sites called to broader popular participation in the activities of “Land Day” which falls on the thirtieth of this month.

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Israel Warns of the Consequences of Jerusalem Global March

Israel Warns of the Consequences of Jerusalem Global March

Friday, 23 March 2012 / PNN - Israel issued a warning to the nearby Arab states if they allowed the global march to take place next Friday 30th March. Israel also stated that if anyone neared their borders, they would be accused of trespassing.

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GMJ Asian caravan entered Turkey

GMJ Asian caravan entered Turkey

Almost 130 members of Asian caravan to Jerusalem crossed Bazargan border between Iran and Turkey meanwhile rest of 22 Pakistani and 4 Afghani failed crossing the border.

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Global march organizers say will not confront forces

Global march organizers say will not confront forces

Organizers of an international rally to support Palestinians at the end of the month said Sunday they are not interested in confrontation with the Israeli army, after similar demonstrations a year earlier ended in bloodshed.

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To there, they head.

To there, they head.

Blood on the palms, eyes to the land, and hearts' beats race the path. From all over the Globe they came with the same goal and one loud cry. Al-Quds was, is, and will remain Palestinian.

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March to al-Quds convoy arrives in Tehran

March to al-Quds convoy arrives in Tehran

More than one hundred Asian peace activists from various organizations and committees have arrived in Tehran as part of the global march to al-Quds (Jerusalem), Press TV reports.

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Statement from the GMJ concerning criminal Israeli assassinations of Gaza civilians

Statement from the GMJ concerning criminal Israeli assassinations of Gaza civilians

We, the Global March to Jerusalem, condemn the Zionist campaign of killing Palestinian citizens and imprisoning the Palestinians of Gaza in an open-air prison, just as we condemn the continued occupation of Palestinian land and the intentional destruction and Judaisation of Jerusalem, as well as all of historic Palestine.

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Iranian athletes support global march to al-Quds

Iranian athletes support global march to al-Quds

As people from all over the world belonging to different types of religions, have decided to show their support for the valiant nation of Palestine and Al-Quds, some senior Iranian athletes, sing statement, supported the global march to al-Quds.

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Call from Philippine GMJ national committee

Call from Philippine GMJ national committee

Its important to all those committed to Peace and Justice to support and applaud this protest, which poses a vivid challenge to the unlawfulness and cruelty of the continuing Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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Asian wing of GMJ reached Karachi-Pakistan

Asian wing of GMJ reached Karachi-Pakistan

Caravan of Global March to Jerusalem has reached Karachi-Pakistan on Saturday. The participants of the caravan belong to Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippine. According to a statement issued from Palestine ...

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Asian caravan to Jerusalem started its journey from Jakarta

Asian caravan to Jerusalem started its journey from Jakarta

On the occasion of starting of "Asian caravan to Jerusalem" from Jakarta, A number of organizations have held a joint-press conference at 9th March to declare their stand to the freedom of Jerusalem in Megawati Institute.

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The GMJ-India Convoy was flagged of from Rajghat by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan

The GMJ-India Convoy was flagged of from Rajghat by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan

The Indian convoy has finally set off towards Jerusalem! In a farewell ceremony that was held at the Rajghat, which is the final resting place of Mahatma Gandhi. The 54 member Indian delegation was felicitated by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan (Member of Parliament & President Lok Janshakti Party)

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Indian Caravan for the GMJ is all set to depart

Indian Caravan for the GMJ is all set to depart

The Indian caravan for the "Global March to Jerusalem", is all set to depart from New Delhi on the 9th of March 2012. We, as Indian's & as Asian's are committed to the freedom of historic Palestine, with Jerusalem as the capital. During the course of the last 6 months & ever since our return from the first ...

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