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Israel Warns of the Consequences of Jerusalem Global March

Israel Warns of the Consequences of Jerusalem Global March

Friday, 23 March 2012 / PNN - Israel issued a warning to the nearby Arab states if they allowed the global march to take place next Friday 30th March. Israel also stated that if anyone neared their borders, they would be accused of trespassing.

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GMJ Asian caravan entered Turkey

GMJ Asian caravan entered Turkey

Almost 130 members of Asian caravan to Jerusalem crossed Bazargan border between Iran and Turkey meanwhile rest of 22 Pakistani and 4 Afghani failed crossing the border.

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Global march organizers say will not confront forces

Global march organizers say will not confront forces

Organizers of an international rally to support Palestinians at the end of the month said Sunday they are not interested in confrontation with the Israeli army, after similar demonstrations a year earlier ended in bloodshed.

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To there, they head.

To there, they head.

Blood on the palms, eyes to the land, and hearts' beats race the path. From all over the Globe they came with the same goal and one loud cry. Al-Quds was, is, and will remain Palestinian.

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Asian caravan to Jerusalem started its journey from Jakarta

Asian caravan to Jerusalem started its journey from Jakarta

On the occasion of starting of "Asian caravan to Jerusalem" from Jakarta, A number of organizations have held a joint-press conference at 9th March to declare their stand to the freedom of Jerusalem in Megawati Institute.

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The GMJ-India Convoy was flagged of from Rajghat by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan

The GMJ-India Convoy was flagged of from Rajghat by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan

The Indian convoy has finally set off towards Jerusalem! In a farewell ceremony that was held at the Rajghat, which is the final resting place of Mahatma Gandhi. The 54 member Indian delegation was felicitated by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan (Member of Parliament & President Lok Janshakti Party)

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Canadian Jews Endorse Global March to Jerusalem

Canadian Jews Endorse Global March to Jerusalem

The Steering Committee of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) Canada has voted to endorse the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ), an International non-violent event taking place in Jerusalem on March 30th.

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Muslim and non-Muslim to join Jerusalem solidarity

Muslim and non-Muslim to join Jerusalem solidarity

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – International solidarity act for Jerusalem will be held. Entitled ‘Global March to Jerusalem’ (GMJ), the act will be started from March 30. About 25 Muslim and non-Muslim organizations confirmed to participate. Indonesian GMJ coordinator, Heri ...

asian march to gaza,gmj |

World Civilian Coalition Gathers for Global March to Jerusalem

World Civilian Coalition Gathers for Global March to Jerusalem

Beirut -The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem announces the completion of the preparations for the Second International Conference where the representatives of the International Committees involved in the organization of the Global March to Jerusalem will meet. The conference will be ...

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Global March To Jerusalem: 30th March, 2012

Global March To Jerusalem: 30th March, 2012

  "But in my opinion, they (the Jews) have erred grievously in seeking to impose themselves on Palestine with the aid of America and Britain and now with the aid of naked terrorism. Why should they depend on American money or British arms for forcing themselves on an ...

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