KARACHI- Mr Feroz Mittibor Wala, Chairman, International Committee for Global March towards Jerusalem (GMJ) on Saturday announced to organize a global march towards Jerusalem on March 2012 to foil the Israeli conspiracies against the holy Jerusalem. He was addressing the press conference at Karachi press club along with the leaders of Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLF) Qazi Ahmed Noorani Siddiqui, Muzaffar Ahmed Hashmi, Maulana Sadiq Raza Taqvi and PLF spokesman Sabir Karbalai. Mr Feroz Mittiborwala, (India), said that Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the great revolutionary leader saying that he raised the voice for the oppressed people of Palestine in 1923. He said that the founder of the Pakistan Quaid Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was established a committee to collect the funds for the oppressed people of Palestine and to condemn the Israeli brutalities and illegal occupation. He informed that the basic object of the his movement is to get the support of the people from across the world for the people of Palestine and Jerusalem saying that this is the Asian movement for the solidarity of the south Asian countries to support the people of Palestine. He said that defense of Palestine is defense of Pakistan and defense of India and to protect all the humanity from the evil conspiracies of Zionist regime Israel saying that we will gather all the communities including Muslims, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, and Jews to march towards the Jerusalem. Chairman GMJ announced that the people across the world from continents of the world including South Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Australia would march towards the Jerusalem from their continents towards Jerusalem and will reach at Jerusalem on 30th of March 2012. He said that the Asian caravan would starts the march from India to Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and then Jerusalem adding the second caravan starts from London to france, Italy , Turkey, Syrian and then Jerusalem. “The African caravan will starts the march from Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, and then Jerusalem” and the Australian Caravan will passing the designated routes enter the Jerusalem from Lebanon. Mr Mittiborwala said that this caravan is the efforts of Asian to support the Palestinian cause saying that 190 delegates from across the world will be the part of the delegation to enter the Jerusalem.   He appealed to the Pakistani people, political and religious parties and civil society of the country to support the initiative of Asian caravan for the support of people of Palestine.     He greeted the Pakistani nation on the Independence day of the country and also thanked the Palestine foundation Pakistan for organizing the events on Palestine in Pakistan.

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