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Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah met Monday a delegation from Hamas headed by Deputy Hamas Politburo Chief Mousa Abu Marzouk.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah met Monday a delegation from Hamas headed by Deputy Hamas Politburo Chief Mousa Abu Marzouk.


The delegation tackled with Sayyed Nasrallah the latest developments in Syria, Gaza and the developments in the Arab world.

The participants agreed with Sayyed Nasrallah on formulating a plan “to resolve the developments in Syria and the relations with the Muslim Brotherhood amid the developments in the Arab World, as well as on cooperating to find the “right channels to improve Iran’s ties with the Arab countries which would be based on trust” As-Safir local daily quoted sources as saying.

Concerning the situation in Syria, the source added that both sides believe that “military option will not resolve the crisis and there would be no alternative other than implementing the political reforms.”

On the fresh attack on Gaza during the last days, both sides stressed that “the Israeli enemy bears full responsibility… the situation aims at putting more pressure on the resistance… This forces preparations for any new war staged by Israel.”

The violence in Gaza kicked off on March 9 with the Zionist killing machine assassinating the head of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC).

The strike prompted Palestinian resistance to fire 200 hundred rockets and mortar rounds into southern occupied territories, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz, prompting the closure of schools within firing range of Gaza.

The Zionist army responded with dozens of air strikes. Palestinian medics put the total death toll late on Monday at 25, with more than 80 injured.

Hamas delegation also informed Sayyed Nasrallah about the preparations of the Global March to Jerusalem, organized by Lebanese parties and Palestinian factions on March 30, 2012 on Earth Day.

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