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The Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) has announced the release of a song specially produced to promote the GMJ under the title: ” Free People of the world are coming towards you Jerusalem ” , The song lyrics is by: Yasser Hamad, performance by singer Mohammed Assaf  from Gaza, edited and directed by the house art and media production in Gaza.

The song describes the interaction of international solidarity and the free people of the world with Jerusalem, their love to the city of peace, and how Jerusalem is  extend her hands to them, with a smile of love and hope. The song is subtitled into English Language.


In a written statement Zaher Birawi, the spokesman of The GMJ and a member of the international leadership said that the song will be distributed to all cooperating and  supporting satellite channels in the world , and to start broadcasting from today and until the day of the Global March at the end of this month (March). He said he expects that the song will be very impressive to all viewers and will contribute to the promotion of the idea of ​​the global march to Jerusalem, which will take place in various Palestinian areas toward Jerusalem, and in the bordering countries of Palestine. In addition to marches and demonstrations in protest simultaneously in a large number of capitals in the world.


It should be noted that the march to coincide with the thirty-sixth anniversary of the Palestinian Land Day, which enshrines the affiliation of the Palestinians of their land and their adherence to it, and confirms their right to defend their land. also delegations from various countries around the world will take part in this peaceful marches under the slogan: the free  people of the world demand the liberation of Jerusalem.

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